Friday, November 23, 2007


This is something I have been wanting to do for so long, but have been so lame about it. Maybe it's just plain laziness (always an option with me) or the usual writer's block or whatever, but the thing that's been holding me up: a dressmaker's dummy so I can shape this blog into what I want. I've logged in here, looked at the forlorn little entries and thought, "someday." I tried to take pictures of my dresses on the hangers -- BAD. I've looked on eBay, craigslist, antique stores, begged my old boss for hers...

And finally, I won one today!

It's not thee perfect one -- my boss won't give hers up -- but it's workable. I can't wait to get it.

And so now, here is my new year's resolution: I. Will. Do. This.